First & foremost, I am Rik Davis.
I've been a programmer for over 20 years. Having experience in C++, Unix shell scripting, VB Script, Visual Basic, C#, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Java, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
Additionally, I am versed in the following frameworks: .NET (reluctantly), Catalyst, CodeIgniter and Rails (reluctantly also).
I find that being a programmer is much like being an artist. You get to start out with nothing but an idea and a blank canvas. Add some colorful content, plentiful strokes on the keyboard and polishing the rough edges with proven techniques and viola! A new masterpiece is born!
Okay, so that might have been slightly over the top, but hey, this is my page, not yours and I reserve the right to be as self-humiliating as I choose.
That having been said, when I'm not hammering out the next Facebook (wait, getting too ambitious with my pipe dreams), I'm flying my R/C helicopter or airplane.
I'll leave it at that for now, but know this, "I'll be back". (Schwarzenegger impression)